Re: Muskets and Magic
I have no idea what sort of mathematics and statistics you're using that you think a whopping 40% isn't "commonplace"... even considering that "only" a third of the population have useful magic. ;) I...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
I've definitely noticed a growth in this sort of setting lately (and a deviation from the standard "Medieval England" setting in general). I think it's really interesting to introduce varying levels of...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
Keolah makes a good point about weapons in general as technology. Firearms existed alongside knights and melee-armed infantry for a long time. What really pushed the rapid development of firearms in...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
I had an idea for a world where all the great wizards destroyed themselves in a great war. Magic was lost because much of the knowledge on how to use it was destroyed. With magic removed from the...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
Robin McKinley's The Blue Sword has British-style colonists (the Homelanders) with muskets against the Hill Tribes, who use magic. The magic of the Hill Tribes specifically makes things go wrong like...
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Oh yeah, I've also got one setting where my elves have steam engines. I figured, well they have long lifespans, so shouldn't they be able to advance their tech faster than humans? Of course they live...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
Sorry, I was having a bad day and decided stupidly to take it out passive aggressively on the Internet - never a good idea. Your questions have actually raised a lot of interesting questions in my...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
[quote=keolah] ... And my point about technology isn't that firearms aren't a relatively advanced technology, but that the invention of gunpowder didn't spark (no pun intended) the existence of...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
Heh, no, I'm not making personal comments, I'm just posing questions that an author should think about. And I certainly wasn't saying you should avoid firearms in fantasy. Far from it. I actually can't...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
Don't forget mounted infantry, who could maneuver rapidly, dismount, and then go to work.
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
Why did guns overtake bows in real history? A lot of reasons. A lot less skill and training is required for one, meaning that the average general could just pick up fighters when necessary and train...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
Because, as Dave Grossman documents in "On Killing" and "On Combat", when one side makes the sound "ploink" and one side goes BOOM", the side that does not go "BOOM" tends to break and run away first.
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
verra nice ... although I gotta say I cracked up at the idea of a goddess having "atheists" as followers. also, you don't need to dig trenches to slaughter a line of charging infantry. A barbed wire...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
My story is set in a WWI sort of era, but the war is mostly in the background and it focuses on home front conflicts (elves are all conscientious objectors, etc). I know a decent amount about the war...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
That's an amazing, fresh, and interesting world you've got going on. I particularly like that divine conflict between goddesses.
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
My story is kinda like a protest against High Fantasy books set in Medieval-esque settings. Magic exists in this world. It pervades all living things, and is especially drawn to sentient minds, in this...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
I rather like the idea, as long as it's not treated simplistically, or as "magic good, technology bad" (or vice versa). What would guns actually mean for the economy, and how would people react to...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
Mages can pretty much do one spell at a time because of the effort involved in casting. I'm thinking that they could ignite gunpowder grenades, or cause some sort of chain reaction, and maybe a mage...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
Yeah, I was actually asking whether anyone here was doing the same thing. I may have phrased it badly in my post. I've been looking up the genre for almost a week now. I just wanted to find people with...
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