Re: Muskets and Magic
[quote=keolah] Why does no one advance the knowledge of magic? Why is it magic is so often depicted as being static with nothing new ever being learned about it, rather than it being capable of...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
Also, question--why don't mages use muskets? And why are muskets so much better than magic? And why are they easier to get ahold of than swords, spears, slings, etc.?
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I'm writing a couple of different fantasy worlds where firearms exist (one sort of equivalent to 1830's, one more 1870s wild west). There's printing presses and other stuff too. I like the idea of more...
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I think modern people have this tendancy to overestimate the impact of early firearms and underestimate the power of bows. It took centuries of development for firearms to become more effective than...
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Reminds me of the game Dishonored a bit, but with less whale oil.
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Yes, Temeraire is the series I was referring to with dragons... I just forgot the name. Sounds like you've done some homework on historic warfare, so congrats. Although muskets must be pretty new if...
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Mid-seventeenth century. Post Civil War, Interregnum. So, a bit earlier than the series you're talking about. All weapons are smooth-barrelled and the bayonet hasn't come into use yet (though I might...
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well, cavalry was around as late as World War 1, although 20th-century weapons made it useless. Muskets were overtaken by rifles in the early 19th century. Printing presses were widely used by the 17th...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
Aren't there muskets in some of the D&D settings? I specifically remember reading (and somewhat disliking) a TSR book in High School or College set in a Forgotten Realms version of the...
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That sounds like a wonderfully fresh setting. Quasi-medieval psuedo-Europe is the natural homeland of fantasy, but everyone needs to leave home from time to time and experience new things -- even if...
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Yes, it's similar to what I have in a lot of ways, although they "use" magic instead of gunpowder, but the principle is the same. It's medieval in a lot of ways. Their governmental structures haven't...
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I hadn't thought about PotC like that before. But I suppose it is. Huh. The magic in that always seems less fantasy to me, though I have no idea why. It shouldn't, because the characters don't act like...
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Ooh, that sounds interesting, getting more into the argument between magic and technology. In my world that's sort of a backdrop thing, it affects the political climate but doesn't come into the main...
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I've not written it, but it sounds kinda like Pirates of the Carribean, but with more magic. Outside of that, I've not heard of anything else that's similar. Personally, I think it'd make a great...
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My current story actually has a reference to gunpowder being suppressed by a wizarding order specifically to prevent this from happening-it helped that it was wizards who discovered gunpowder....
View ArticleMuskets and Magic
So, I thought I was writing Sword and Sorcery, but then I realised that the civilisation I was going to write about was more advanced than that. Muskets and cannons exist and are a major part of...
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I may not have expressed myself well. I apologize. I meant "commonplace" as in "pretty much everyone and their dog." That rate has substantially dwindled and continues to do so, which is what has led...
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I have no idea what sort of mathematics and statistics you're using that you think a whopping 40% isn't "commonplace"... even considering that "only" a third of the population have useful magic. ;) I...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
I've definitely noticed a growth in this sort of setting lately (and a deviation from the standard "Medieval England" setting in general). I think it's really interesting to introduce varying levels of...
View ArticleRe: Muskets and Magic
I may not have expressed myself well. I apologize. I meant "commonplace" as in "pretty much everyone and their dog." That rate has substantially dwindled and continues to do so, which is what has led...
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